London: Seems like Kareena Kapoor Khan is passing her love for fashion to her little one Jeh. On Thursday, Kareena, who is currently shooting for Hansal Mehta`s project in London, posted two cute images with her younger son Jeh. In the pictures, the mother-son duo is seen sporting casual outfits and completing their look with cool glasses. “Off to work with my Boy…but a quick Pose before we leave…#Jeh baba#Kaam pe chalo..,” Kareena captioned the post. Kareena and Jeh`s posts have garnered several likes and comments from social media users.
“Oh MY, Jeh Jaan !!! Mahsha`Allah. Love U guys,” Saba Pataudi commented. Alia Bhatt called Kareena, Jeh “superstars.” “Omg. How absolutely adorable,” Soni Razdan commented. “Dying of a cuteness attack,” fashion stylist Tanya Ghavri commented. Speaking of the project, it is being helmed by Hansal Mehta. It is co-produced by Ekta Kapoor and Kareena.
On working with Kareena, Ektaa has earlier shared, “Kareena has been an actor with a huge, admirable (almost envious) body of work… and while her male co-stars turned producers in due course, she`s finally joined the bandwagon now! I`ve always believed that women have an equal part or play in the business and success of a film.”
See the post
Ektaa added, “It`s been a hard journey, but an encouraging & happy one! I`m so glad that today, we can empower each other like this! Here`s to wishing Kareena Kapoor Khan the best on her journey as a producer…adding another feather to her already illustrious career! May we have more of her in our tribe!” Kareena flew down to London a few days ago and ever since the actor has been sharing many posts to keep her fans updated.