Taking to Instagram stories, Kareena shared a series of pictures from Jeh’s birthday party which was attended by a slew of Bollywood parents along with their kids. Saif was also seen at the bash. He had left his shoot in Amritsar to be with his son on his special day.
She had also shared two throwback pictures of Jeh from the sets of her Hansal Mehta film in London and wrote, “Doesn’t want to leave my lap… this situation will soon reverse. I love you with all my heart and soul, my Jeh baba! Happy Birthday son. Thank you, @khamkhaphotoartist, for capturing this precious moment on our TBM set in London, 2022. Forever and more.”
Earlier in the day, Angad Bedi, Kunal Kemmu, Karisma Kapoor among others were spotted arriving at Kareena’s Bandra home to celebrate Jeh’s birthday.
Karisma also took to Instagram stories to share a few glimpses from the party. She also penned a cute wish for her nephew on his birthday. She was seen posing with Saif for pictures.
Soha and Saba also shared a couple of videos from the celebration on their Instagram accounts.
Kareena and Saif tied the knot in October 2012 in a private ceremony in Mumbai. The couple was blessed with Taimur in 2016 and later in 2021 they became parents to Jeh.