The report says that in one of the messages, Sukesh had asked Jacqueline to appear in black clothes during the court hearing. The message from Sukesh to Jacqueline dated June 30, 2023 reads, “Baby this month on 6th, we have a court date and if you are produced by VC please wear a black kurta or wear anything in black, so that I know you have seen all my messages and you Love ?? So baby and missing you Ton I love you baby girl, you are mine mine forever…”
The reported message further read, “Baby I know you are upset about the latest trolls about adding an extra E in your name, but vava don’t bother, as none of these people trolling or worth are shit, you are my princess you are rock star… you are going to be a superstar…”
When Jacqueline did not appear in black clothes as suggested in his reported message, Sukesh then said in a message following the same, “Baby, it’s really upsetting to see you did not wear Black on that day during the court hearing baby I really don’t understand what are you even thinking, running away or avoiding me is not going to help in any way has it is only going to be me by your side in all from of ways am again repeating am ready to do everything that you need without any issues…”
“18th court production on VC please wear any colour, a multi-colored Kurta or just a plain white shirt without any design that I know that you have seen this message… I love you so much,” the message read.
Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar moves Delhi court against Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez’s plea
In one of the messages, Sukesh also claimed that Jacqueline would be approached by director Luv Ranjan for a movie, saying that he has sorted out a deal with him. He also said that it is going to be very big film for her and this will be gift from his side to his baby girl. The message further read that along with Lillys he had sent her a message card and hoped that she likes it.
Meanwhile, Sukesh has filed an application in the Patiala House Court of Delhi stating that Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez’s plea against him has suppressed multiple facts in connection with the Rs 200 crore extortion case.
Sukesh’s fresh application stated that “I am ready to undergo any punishment if even one single letter sent to Jacqueline proves or covers my content that is threatening, intimidating or related to any of the cases or matters pertaining to the ongoing EOW or ED cases.”