Popular Bangladeshi actress Raima Islam Shimu who went missing on January 16 morning was discovered dead in the outskirts of Dhaka on January 17. Raima’s dead body, with so many injury marks, was found in a sack. Preliminary investigation from local police revealed that she was perhaps killed elsewhere and her body was dumped near […]
Read MoreBangladeshi actress Raima Islam Shimu whose dead body was found inside a sack on Monday was brutally murdered and after hours of rigorous grilling, her husband Shakhawat Ali Nobel has confessed to his involvement in the murder case. Now, he’s on a 3-day remand. Earlier a Dhaka police statement revealed that the reason behind Shimu’s […]
Read MoreA day after Bangladeshi actress Raima Islam Shimu went missing her body was discovered in a sack close to a bridge in Keraniganj, Dhaka. After an Initial investigation by local police, it was revealed that some locals found the body near Alipur Bridge in Kadamtoli area on Monday morning and then informed the local police […]
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