Actress Anjana Sukhani tweeted, “Dear brands, @iamsrk’s popularity, reach and charm is irreplaceable, the value he brings to the table as King Khan is way above the tragedy he is currently facing… Don’t underestimate the power of the love his fans and admirers have for him across the globe and beyond.” Ali Fazal also supported SRK with a cryptic tweet. While referring to Pink Floyd’s iconic song, Ali Fazal wrote, “By‘e’ju Another brick in the wall – playing out rather loudly in my headphones today.” While TV actor Nakuul Mehta also took a dig at the brand and wrote, “Being replaced by the serving minister who’s son is arrested for murder charges! Class, Byju’s.” While extensing support to SRK, Farah Khan Ali tweeted, “Read something about some brand pulling out SRK ads. The Brand SRK is bigger than the brand that pulled out so too bad for that brand. More power to @iamsrk.”
Aryan Khan is currently in judicial custody. He has applied for bail and the same will be heard by a sessions court on October 13. The star son was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau after drugs were found at a cruise party that he was attending. Along with Aryan, seven others have been arrested by the NCB. Soon after he was detained, Aryan’s mobile phone was sent for forensic investigation. Shah Rukh Khan’s driver Rajesh Mishra was also questioned by the investigating agency, but the agency later clarified that he was not involved in the case and did not arrange drugs for Aryan Khan.