“Friends and my dear countrymen, lend me your ears this is not to burry my instagram post (that everyone is resharing. scroll down on my feed to check authenticity) REPOSTING it again. . This video was not shot at Buckingham palace. But yes it is on London ground. . Photography was allowed here and this video was shot with full assent taken from all quarters,” shared Adah.
She went on to reveal the purpose of the clip and added, “The tourism campaign team asked me to sing a song.. i chose to sing in hindi. This video was shot pre covid times. . . P.S.The British ruled our land for almost 200 years . They were large hearted enough to allow an Indian girl to sing a hindi song on their soil(with permissions taken) But it makes me proud to see my own countrymens largeheartedness to stand up so solidly for the British. It shows how seriously we Indians follow ‘ Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.” In the comments section, Adah had further added, “FREE GYM PACKAGE! Chalo all you beautiful sofa aalus Jinko exercise nahi karni hai (All you beautiful couch potatoes, who do not want to exercise). Come! jump into conclusions in my comment section and burn calories. For free Offer valid till 1920,”.