Previously, when Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel had declared the film tax-free, director Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri had thanked him stating, “This will help the common people of Gujarat to see the biggest tragedy in independent India @kp_global.”
A lot of Bollywood celebrities have also lauded ‘The Kashmir Files’. Akshay had shared, “Hearing absolutely incredible things about your performance in #TheKashmirFiles @AnupamPKher Amazing to see the audience back to the cinemas in large numbers. Hope to watch the film soon. Jai Ambe.” Urging people to watch the film, Yami Gautam had recently tweeted, “Being married to a Kashmiri Pandit, I know first hand of the atrocities that this peace-loving community has gone through. But majority of the nation is still unaware. It took us 32 years and a film to get to know the truth. Please watch and support #TheKashmirFiles.”