Last Friday, ETimes paparazzi had spotted the couple at a family court in Bandra. A source from the family court had told ETimes, “Sohail Khan and Seema Sachdev were present in the court today. They have filed for a divorce. Both were friendly towards each other.” Previously, Seema had opened up about her relationship status with Sohail Khan and told ETimes and stated, “I am single, footloose and fancy free.”
Sohail and Seema had tied the knot in 1998 and have two kids, Nirvaan and Yohan. Their inter-faith marriage had seen strong opposition from Seema’s family and the duo had to elope to get married. In 2017, on the web show ‘The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives’, it was revealed that Seema and Sohail were living separately and their kids were shuttling between the two houses. Speaking about their romance, Seema had said on the show, “It’s just that sometimes when you grow older, your relationships meanders and goes into different directions. I make no apologies about it because we are happy and my kids are happy. Sohail and I are not a conventional marriage but we are a family. We are a unit. For us, him and me and our children matter at the end of the day.”