NEW DELHI: Tamil actor Meena Sagar’s husband Vidyasagar breathed his last in Chennai on June 28. Soon after his death, speculations started doing the rounds that he died due to lung-related problems.
On Friday (July 1), Meena took to social media and rubbished all the rumours, she also urged all the fans and well wishers to grant them privacy at this sensitive time.
In her emotional note, she also thanked everyone for their constant support.
Taking to her Instagram handle, she wrote, “I am deeply saddened by the loss of my loving husband Vidya Sagar. I sincerely request all media to respect our privacy and sympathise this situation. Please stop further broadcast of any false information on this matter. During these difficult times, I want to express my gratitude to all those good hearts who helped and stood with our family. I would like to thank all the Medical Team who tried their best, our Chief Minister, Health Minister, Radhakrishnan IAS, Colleagues, Friends, Family, Media & My loving fans for sending love and prayers. Thank You, Meena Sagar…”
For the unversed, Meena who is quite a popular name in South got married to Vidyasagar in 2009. The duo got married in a traditional style and her husband passed away at the age of 48.