In the photo, Ajay is seen holding a gun in his hands while director Rohit Shetty is holding a camera and shooting him. He wrote, “Two Bol Bachchans shooting each other #10YearsOfBolBachchan.”
Although the picture took people down memory lane, it was Big B’s comment on the post that caught our attention. The megastar commented, “Are yaar teesre ko bhi bula lo na shooting karne.” Ajay was quick to reply and wrote, “The OG Bachchan doesn’t need an invitation.”
Check out the post here:
‘Bol Bachchan’, the 2012 action comedy, also starred Abhishek Bachchan, Asin, Prachi Desai, Archana Puran Singh, Asrani and Krushna Abhishek.
Meanwhile, Ajay will next feature in ‘Drishyam 2’ and ‘Thank God’ while Sr Bachchan is all set for the release of Ayan Mukerji’s mythological drama ‘Brahmastra’ co-starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.