Reacting to the same, Manoj Bajpayee questioned, “From where do you guys get such news?” The actor also told a news portal that there was no truth of these rumours. The script for the sequel is reportedly being written and director Sukumar is planning to start the shoot from August. This time, the narrative will go across borders and Allu Arjun will be faced with troubles in a multinational set up. ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ will feature a fierce face-off between the characters of Allu Arjun and Fahadh Faasil.
Recently when ETimes had asked Manoj Bajpayee about working in South cinema, he had shared, “I have worked in South films before. I have always been in search of good stories. I don’t care if the film is made with 1000 crores, 500 crores or 300 crores. I don’t work like that. Nowadays, everyone just wants to talk about box office. I have been fighting against the box office trend forever.” Manoj Bajpayee earned huge popularity with his leading act in the OTT series ‘The Family Man’. A third part of the same is said to be in the pipeline.