Check out her post here:
In the picture, baby Neil is seen covering his face with his hand. However, his cute smile will make you go aww! Along with the photo, Kajal wrote, ‘I can’t believe how fast the past 6 months have gone by or the profound change that has taken place in my life.’
She further added, ‘I’ve gone from a scared young woman holding a wriggling mass on her chest and wondering how she was going to care for it to now fulfilling mommy duties and learning as I go along. Of course, balancing full-time work and ensuring I never compromise on my time, attention, love, nurturing care for you- is extremely challenging, I wouldn’t want it any other way and I never imagined enjoying, so much, these fleeting moments of Babydom!’
‘You now roll on the floor, swinging left to right, tummy and back – it seemed to happen overnight you’ve had your first cold, first bump on the head, first time in the pool, the ocean and you’ve started tasting foods’, she wrote.
The actress concluded her sweet post by saying, “Your dad and I joke that you’ll be going off to college next week because time is advancing so quickly. You’ve left the helpless newborn you were such a short time ago, behind already! I’m in awe of how you take in each little moment of life and often overwhelmed at the great responsibility God has blessed me with, being your mother! It’s as they say, the most challenging and rewarding job I’ll ever have. Happy half way to 1, my love, my baby Neil.”
On the work front, Kajal was last seen in Tamil film, ‘Hey Sinamika’.