Her lawyer Sohail Sharif explained the developments and said, “Today, Sherlyn has filed a police complaint against Sajid Khan under various sections and she has already dispatched it to the Juhu police station to register an FIR against Sajid under Section 354 for outraging the modesty of a woman. One of Sherlyn’s conditions is that Sajid should be suspended from the Bigg Boss show. She has already written to Union Minister Anurag Thakur. And in a day or two, we’re issuing a notice to Colors TV also to stop airing the episodes of Bigg Boss wherever Sajid is there.”
This is not the first time that a woman from the film industry has objected to Sajid Khan’s appearance on the Bigg Boss show. A few days ago, actress Tanushree Dutta, who is widely considered to be one of the first women to kickstart the #MeToo movement in India, had also objected to the show casting Sajid for the newest season. Singer Sona Mohapatra and actor Ali Fazal have also reacted to Sajid Khan’s involvement in the show and demanded that he be removed from the TV spot. All these individuals have argued that the allegations of sexual misconduct levelled against Sajid by multiple women during the #MeToo movement should be respected and he should not be given a chance to be on a public platform again.