In an interview with Pinkvilla, Sharad added that, he feels fortunate that people consider him for such roles. Not just for films like Tanhaji and Har Har Mahadev, even for Laxmii. Sharad added that an actor’s life is 50 per cent luck so the offer coming to you is the luck. Then it depends on the actor, how he/she handles that luck. “For me playing Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the epitome of luck as a Maharashtrian, as (an) Indian. I think it’s a matter of pride for me to portray Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on the screen.”
When asked about the responsibility of being a part of Har Har Mahadev, Sharad added that the first and and foremost important thing is that one should not addd unnecessary drama to a real story. He mentioned that they have given in their best to give it a real aspect of it as much as they can.
“As far as Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is concerned I think for everyone he is I think he is as good as a god. So, I think one needs to be very careful while playing those characters so that it looks convincing also on the screen.”
Speaking of Har Har Mahadev, the film revolves around the relationship between Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Baji Prabhu Deshpande. Helmed by Abhijeet Deshpande, the film also features Subodh Bhave, Amruta Khanvilkar, and Sayli Sanjeev.