Vastu Tips for 2023: Your home’s main door should NOT be in this direction – follow these tips for a HAPPY new year! | Culture News

2023 Vastu Tips: The countdown for the new year – 2023 – has begun. All of us want to be healthy, happy and prosperous in the new year, and for this, experts say we should make sure some Vastu tips should be followed. Preetha M, Vastu expert of All India Institute of Occult science founded by Gurudev Shrie Kashyap, speaks to us about the tips that one should follow in the new year.

Here are some basic Vastu tips given by Preetha M that one can follow in 2023 to enhance their quality of life:

Vastu of plot: If you planning to but a plot of land for construction, it’s imperative it should be shaped i.e either square or rectangular. In rectangular plots, it is preferred to have the longer side along the North-South and the shorter side along the East-West.

The plot, which has the center portion higher than the edges or the plot having the south-west portion higher and heavier and sloping towards the northeast portion, can bring prosperity to the landlord. It is best to avoid uneven shaped plots, plots with several corners, those depressed at the centre, and plots sloped towards the south or southwest direction.

Waterbody presence: It is desirable to have water bodies like fountains in the north, east or northeast portion of the plot, which bestows the landlord or the owner with prosperity, long life and good health. No water body should be present in the southeast, south or the southwest areas as it brings about adverse effects on the health and life of the owner. This is also applicable to the structures like well, sump, pits for rainwater harvesting etc.

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Shape of the building: As far as possible, it is best to prefer an even-shaped building for dwelling. Any building having extensions or cuts in the cardinal directions will impact the life and health of the occupants. For example, an extension or cut in the southeast portion can bring ill effects to the elder lady and adult son of the family. Moreover, as the southeast portion is the portion assisting material gain, an extension or cut in this area can bring about material loss in the family.

Main door of the building: The position and the quality of the door can bring about immense change in the life of a person. The most desirable position of the main door is when the access is directly from the main gate. If direct entry from the gate is not feasible, then a clockwise entry/entry from the right side of the main gate is advised. However, an anticlockwise entry/entry from the left side to the main door from the main gate must be strictly avoided.

There must not be any obstacles such as trees, electric poles, stagnant water bodies, T junction roads etc. in front of the main door or gate as they are inauspicious and bring negative energy to the occupant. The quality of wood used in the main door is also very important and good quality seasoned wood must be used in the manufacture of the door frame and shutters.

The doors which are warped in either direction, bring about bad effects on the landlord and his family. In residential buildings, it is important to have a threshold to the main door. But in commercial buildings, it is not necessary to keep a threshold. An important point to be kept in mind regarding the door shutter is its size which is to be preferably 3’x7’. Larger and smaller sizes of doors bring about bad effects like fear of authority, fear of robbery etc.

Plants and vastu: It is advisable to have lawns, short ornamental plants, and flower gardens in the North, Northeast or East portion of the plot. The trees that grow high are advisable to be grown in the west, southwest and South direction. While deciding on plants around the house, it is important that we avoid trees with sap, juicy fruits, and thorny plants adjacent to the dwelling building as they bring bad effects on the landlord and his immediate family members.

If it is not feasible to cut these trees, it is advisable to have positive Vastu plants or trees grown between the building and the inauspicious trees. The auspicious trees as per Vastu are Ashoka, Sal, coconut, jackfruit, Arjun, magnolia etc. The shrubs of Tulsi are also very auspicious, but due care should be taken that the Tulsi plant is never planted in the south direction.

Energies play an important role in our lives, energies and environment have a tremendous influence on our well-being, growth, and success. 

(Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the person quoted and do not reflect the views of Zee News)



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