Mumbai: Actors Anshuman Jha and Milind Soman-starrer film Lakadbaggha is set to release worldwide theatrically on January 13, the producers said Thursday. The Kolkata-set movie is directed by Victor Mukherjee and also features actors Ridhi Dogra and Paresh Pahuja. It is inspired by real events and deals with the illegal animal trade industry. Jha said he is looking forward to the audience’s response to the film.
Lakadbaggha is my love letter to dogs (and animals at large) and I can’t wait for the world to meet Arjun’s character. He is ordinary and that’s his super power. This is a universal film with an Indian soul set in Kolkata and the action is nothing like anything you have seen before,? the actor said in a statement.
Dogra, who garnered appreciation for her performance in web series The Married Woman, said she is thrilled about her film debut Lakadbaggha. Lakadbaggha is truly a special film- it has action thrills but also a soul. Akshara, my character is the grey between the world’s of the protagonist and the antagonist. It is obviously special for me as it’s my big screen debut,” she said.
Mukherjee said the movie is a social commentary inspired by real events. “At its core, Lakadbaghha is a movie about a person who goes beyond his capacity to unravel the truth and protect Indian stray dog breeds. I hope the movie turns out to be a good start to the year in the movie industry,” the director said.
Lakadbaggha had its premiere at the 28th Kolkata International Film Festival on Wednesday and will have its international premiere at the HBO South Asian International Film Festival, New York, on December 28. It is produced by First Ray Films.