In an earlier episode of the show, Malaika and sister Amrita were seen to be having a tiff over a misplaced phone. Before that as well, Amrita seemed to be upset with her older sister when the Chaiyya Chaiyya actor took some digs at her in her stand up routine.
Now, in the latest episode of the show, Malaika alleged that her little sister wasn’t around when she was going through a divorce and that really hurt her. Malaika said, “It was the lowest phase in my life when I was moving on, when I got separated and divorced. It was the lowest point personally, and emotionally. That was the one time I needed you the most. I needed you as my sister. I didn’t need any judgements, no counselling sessions, I just needed your support and needed you by my side, telling me, ‘Malla, don’t worry, I have got your back. I will be here.’ You weren’t around. You took a trip with your friend and came to Goa.”
Hearing this, Amrita was quite taken aback as she did not know that her sister as holding this grudge against her. She candidly said that the two have a lot of talking to do.
Moving In With Malaika is currently streaming on Disney+ Hotstar.