New Delhi: Today, on the birth anniversary of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, his ‘Kedarnath’ co-actor Sara Ali Khan visited an NGO. The actress celebrated SSR’s birth anniversary with a group of children from an NGO. She took to Instagram and shared a video in which she arranged for a cake in memory of her late co-star, and gathered children to sing ‘happy birthday Sushant’ remembering him.
Sharing the video, Sara wrote, “Happiest Birthday Sushant… I know what making other people smile meant to you. And while you’re watching over all of us, up there next to the rising new moon, I hope we’ve made you smile today too. Shine on Jai Bholenath. Thank you @sunilarora_ @balashatrust for making today so special. People like you make the world a better, safer, happier place. Keep spreading the joy that you do.”
The video took over social media and fans flooded the comment section with heart-eye and emotional emojis. “How sweet Sara,” a fan wrote. “I am touched by this gesture, the kids look so happy,” another added. “Sara you are too good yaar, always notice that you appreciate Sushant,” a third fan wrote. “This made my day,” a fourth fan added.
Sushant was Sara’s first co-star as she made her Bollywood debut with ‘Kedarnath’ in December 2018. Sara often shares pictures of the late actor from the sets of their movie and offers her prayer.