It’s indeed some great news for India as the Oscar nominations were announced on Tuesday evening. While ‘Naatu Naatu’ from ‘RRR’ has bagged a nomination in the ‘Best Original Song’ category at the 95th Academy Awards, Tamil documentary film ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ bagged a nomination in the documentary short subject category. Meanwhile, ‘All That Breathes’ is also nominated in the ‘Documentary Feature Film category.’
Shaunak spoke to Etimes and reacted on being nominated. He expressed, “It’s feeling extraordinarily difficult to say something that doesn’t sound like a cliche. We’re utterly besides ourselves with joy and a bit lost for words at this moment. Utterly relieved, happy and somewhat discombobulated. I want to offer my deepest, most heartfelt thanks to our incredible characters and the whole film team and I am grateful to the Academy for recognising their work.”
Shaunak spoke to Etimes and reacted on being nominated. He expressed, “It’s feeling extraordinarily difficult to say something that doesn’t sound like a cliche. We’re utterly besides ourselves with joy and a bit lost for words at this moment. Utterly relieved, happy and somewhat discombobulated. I want to offer my deepest, most heartfelt thanks to our incredible characters and the whole film team and I am grateful to the Academy for recognising their work.”
‘All That Breathes’ has won top awards at the Sundance Film Festival and the Cannes Film Festival. The docu film was appreciated for its bold yet delicate story telling. Los Angeles Times even called it the ‘most beautifully realised documentary in recent memory.
‘All That Breathes’ follows siblings Mohammad Saud and Nadeem Shehzad, who have made it their lives’ mission to rescue and treat injured birds, especially the Black Kites.