NEW DELHI: The probe into alleged conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s Rs 200 crore money laundering case took a new turn with television actress Chahatt Khanna’s latest shocking claims. Chahatt has claimed that she was trapped by a stranger woman into visiting Sukesh Chandrasekhar while he was lodged at Delhi’s Tihar jail, where he disguised himself as former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa’s nephew and a film producer. As per the actress, upon meeting her at the jail, Sukesh went down on his knees and proposed marriage to her. She further revealed that when she informed him that she was married and has two kids, she was told that her husband was not the right man for her.
Chahatt alleged that later, she was handed over cash worth Rs 2 lakh by the stranger woman as part of ‘shagun’, who told the actress that ‘Sukesh really liked her’. She said that she was blackmailed and was forced to pay ransom to save her marriage.
Chahatt took to Instagram and shared a series of screenshots from her interview with Etimes. It read:
“At Mumbai airport, I met a woman named Angel Khan, who said she would accompany me to Delhi. When we landed, we took a car to go to the school. After a while, we suddenly stopped and she said that we’d have to change cars. We changed cars and within a few seconds, we were outside the Tihar jail.”
I remember the jail room was full of laptops, watches and expensive luxury items. Aur duniya bhar ke branded bags thay… itney thay ki koi ek gir jaata toh sab gir jaate. There was a sofa, a portable AC, one chair, fridge… chhoyte se room mein sab kuch bhara hua tha.
Sukesh introduced himself as a south Indian TV channel producer and the nephew of K Jayalalithaa, He said he was a fan of mine. Then, he went down on one knee and said he wanted to marry me. I shouted saying, “I am married and I have two kids. But he said my husband was not the right man for me. On our way to the airport, Angel gave me around Rs 2 lakh, referring to it as Shagun and telling me that he had really liked me. I kept quiet because I wanted to get back home. At the airport, she also took off a Versace watch that she was wearing and gave it to me, calling it a ‘friendship gift’.
He would call me from international numbers and claim that he could call me from any number, including my husband’s. He would inquire about my kids and ask if I needed anything. I would say, ‘Thank You so much, but I don’t need anything’. The last time he called was in December 2018.
Two men stopped my sister-in-law on the road and told her that they had footage of me inside Tihar jail, which they would give to a TV channel if we didn’t pay then Rs 10 lakh. I started getting calls from an unknown number. The caller said he had got the footage from government officials and would give it to a TV channel.
I was helpless. I didn’t want anyone to know that I was in Tihar jail. I was also worried about it affecting my marriage, and so I agreed to give them the money. Among other things, it did take a toll on my marriage, and my husband and I separated.
I have given those details to the officials of Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing and Enforcement Directorate and also to Patiala House court. I m sure officials have gone through my phone details and verified everything. There has been a difficult phase and I have got trapped for no fault of mine. At one point, I wanted to just leave everything and go away, but then I told myself, why should I run away? I have nothing to fear and I am going to fight this out.”
For the unversed, Angel Khan is alleged to be one of the accomplices of Pinky Irani, who allegedly introduced several actresses to Sukesh. Pinky was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate in 2021 and then by Delhi Police in 2022 in connection with her involvement in Rs 200 crore money laundering case, also involving Sukesh.
The investigation into Sukesh Chandrasekhar’s money laundering case has thrown several celebrities in the limelight including Jacqueline Fernandez, Nora Fatehi, Nikki Tamboli, Sophia Singh, Arusha Patil and Chahatt Khanna.