The actress was recently seen at an event in Mumbai. When she was quizzed about being away from Mumbai while traveling back and forth between India and the UK, she said that it has not affected her work at all.
She added that taking a break from work during pregnancy has been the best decision as she got to take some time off. She said that she is now getting back to work and will also be shooting for her upcoming films, adding that there’s a lot to look forward to.
When she was asked about the kind of roles she expects to receive, Sonam was quoted as saying by The Indian Express, “I think everyone also needs to realise that I am coming back to work. Also, I did say no to a lot of work while I was on a break.”
On the work front, Sonam will be seen in Sujoy Ghosh’s upcoming action thriller Blind, which has been directed by Shome Makhija. It centres on a blind police officer in search of a serial killer. She had shot for the film before her pregnancy.