Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Advani got married on February 7, while the couple hosted a reception in Mumbai for their industry friends and family. Several celebs attended the party to wish the couple! Anupam Kher was one of the early guests to arrive. The veteran actor wore a black kurta!
Anupam dropped a picture with Alia Bhatt who also attended the reception with a heartfelt note about her. Interestingly, Kher had made his acting debut with ‘Saaransh’ which was directed by Alia’s father Mahesh Bhatt. So, he’s seen her grow up. Kher wrote, “Dearest @aliaabhatt! It was so wonderful to meet you after such a long time at @sidmalhotra & @kiaraaliaadvani’s wedding reception. Lovely chatting with you about days when you were in school and how I always teased you about you being a born actress. Love your performances. Especially #GangubaiKathiawadi. You were spectacular. Keep going! Love and prayers always! 😍🌺❤️ #AliaBhatt #Warmth #LongAssociation #Actors”
Anupam dropped a picture with Alia Bhatt who also attended the reception with a heartfelt note about her. Interestingly, Kher had made his acting debut with ‘Saaransh’ which was directed by Alia’s father Mahesh Bhatt. So, he’s seen her grow up. Kher wrote, “Dearest @aliaabhatt! It was so wonderful to meet you after such a long time at @sidmalhotra & @kiaraaliaadvani’s wedding reception. Lovely chatting with you about days when you were in school and how I always teased you about you being a born actress. Love your performances. Especially #GangubaiKathiawadi. You were spectacular. Keep going! Love and prayers always! 😍🌺❤️ #AliaBhatt #Warmth #LongAssociation #Actors”
Kher also dropped a picture with the newly weds, wishing them all the happiness. He wrote, “Congratulations to two of my most favourite and beautiful people on becoming one. May God give all the happiness in the world to @kiaraaliaadvani and @sidmalhotra! I have seen #Kiara since her @actorprepares days. What a phenomenal growth. Touch wood. Love and blessings! ❤️😍 #Marriage #Reception #KiaraAdvani #SidharthMalhotra”
On work front, Anupam just had a release in the form of ‘Shiv Shastri Balboa’ with Neena Gupta which is getting some rave reviews!