Piyush Mishra is all praise for Ranbir Kapoor as an actor. In his new interview, Piyush said that he is very impressed with Ranbir who never fails to intrigue him with his talkative nature. He called Ranbir a magician and also added that the latter often indulges in dirty talks.
In his new interview, Piyush talked about his experience of working with Ranbir in Rockstar (2011) and Tamasha (2015). Talking about how filmmaker Imtiaz Ali pitched Tamasha to him, the actor said that he really liked the idea of erupting on Ranbir in that scene.
In his new interview, Piyush talked about his experience of working with Ranbir in Rockstar (2011) and Tamasha (2015). Talking about how filmmaker Imtiaz Ali pitched Tamasha to him, the actor said that he really liked the idea of erupting on Ranbir in that scene.
He then went on to recall, “Ranbir aisa ladka hai, bohot badhiya actor hai pehli baat toh, bohot badhiya jaadugar insaan hai. Talkative hai, usse baat cheet karne me bada mazza aata hai. Kai baar besharmi ki baatein karta hai, adhiktar besharmi ki baatein karta hai. Nangi baatein karta hai, bada mujhe intrigue karta haiā¦ Imtiaz purana sathi tha, Tamasha was a three-day shoot and I was done in a day.”
In Tamasha, Piyush played the role of a storyteller whereas in Rockstar, he played the role of a music label owner who helps Ranbir’s character in becoming a popular star.