Lauding Anil Kapoor for his career graph, Shekhar Kapur tweeted, “Amazing how the actor in Anil Kapoor evolves with everything he does. And OTT allows him to explore what theatrical cinema never did. What’s next Anil? Hope it’s international?”
To this, Anil replied, “You’re too kind, Shekhar. OTT is a whole new beast and I love it. As for what’s next international, I am looking forward to Jeremy Renner’s Rennervations for Disney…Hopefully, I’ll continue living up to your words!”
You’re too kind @shekharkapur☺️ OTT is a whole new beast and I love it. As for what’s next international I am looki…
— Anil Kapoor (@AnilKapoor) 1676637638000
Previously, Anil has featured in Hollywood projects such as Slumdog Millionaire, 24 and Tom Cruise’s Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol. Though Anil and Jeremy had worked together in Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol, they did not share screen space together.
Earlier, Jeremy was spotted in Rajasthan’s Alwar. His visit to India had sparked speculations about Anil being cast in Rennervations. When Jeremy had suffered serious injuries from a snowplow, Anil had taken to Twitter to wish the Marvel star a speedy recovery.