While congratulatory messages from the entire Hindi and south film industry pour in on social media, Shah Rukh Khan has also wished both the teams for their historic Oscar wins! SRK tweeted, “Big hug to @guneetm & @EarthSpectrum for Elephant Whisperers. And @mmkeeravaani #ChandraBose ji @ssrajamouli @AlwaysRamCharan @tarak9999 thank u for showing us all, the way to do it. Both Oscars truly inspirational!!”
Earlier when ‘RRR’ had won the Golden Globe and when Ram Charan lauded the trailer of ‘Pathaan’, SRK had tweeted back to him saying, “When your team RRR brings Oscar to India, please allow me to touch it.” Charan had replied and said, “Of course sir. The award belongs to Indian Cinema.”
Fans had loved this fun banter between the two superstars. ‘Naatu Naatu’ has won the Oscar beating other nominees like Applause (Tell It Like a Woman), Hold My Hand (Top Gun Maverick), Lift Me Up (Black Pather Wakanda Forever), and This is a Life (Everything Everywhere All at Once). Composer MM Keeravani received the award along with lyricist Chandrabose.