Filmmaker Anand Kumar says his film on Sukesh Chandrasekhar is not a biopic; says he want to show the conman as the mastermind that he is – Times of India

Reports were recently rife that a film is being planned on the life of conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar. Filmmaker Anand Kumar has now confirmed that he is indeed working on the movie. However, he also clarified that the film will not be a biopic.
Spilling some beans, Anand said the project is in a nascent phase. He recently met Deepak Sharma, ASP, Tihar Jail, for the first time. He added that depending on the kind of research and information that they gather, he will decide whether this project will be a movie or web series. His writers will be in Delhi next month and try to get in touch with the investigating team, Kumar told Hindustan Times.

Elaborating further , Anand added that the film will not be a biopic. According to him, biopics are made on great people and he most certainly does not want to paint the conman with that brush.

The ‘Zila Ghaziabad’ director also further revealed as to what pushed him towards that story. He stated that Sukesh knows 10-12 languages and maybe more. His style of conning people is unique. he wants to explore how he used to create networks and pull such frauds. the director also wants to show how he was a mastermind; he would plan a scam for almost a year before executing it. According to him, such personalities have never been explored before in Indian cinema.

The research has been on for the last six months. When asked if he has thought of meeting the conman himself for research, he said that he haven’t thought about it, but if he wishes to talk about his story then he would get to explore the other side of the coin too. He can then reach out to the people he has conned.

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