Now in its seventh week, it has made 2.75 crore nett which is a good number of week 7. It’s the highest post pandemic amount for a film. Even ‘RRR‘ had earned Rs. 2 crore and this is more than that. Many big movies have not even managed to get 1 crore in its week 7. Talking about the collections of ‘Pathaan’ from the south, the film made 90 crore nett. It’s the first film to cross 100 crore nett in the south territory.
With these numbers, the total collections of ‘Pathaan’ in the domestic market is around 516 crore. Last week’s release ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar’ has done average at the box-office so it did give in some tough competition to ‘Pathaan’ as compared to other releases in the past weeks like ‘Shehzada’ and more.
This Friday sees the release of ‘Mrs Chatterjee Vs Norway’ and ‘Zwigito’, and the upcoming weekend will further decide which films has won at the box office.