The video of the incident has now gone viral on social media and netizens are having a field day. In the video, you can see Janhvi making her way to the red carpet and she suddenly stumbles upon her dress. However, her stylist immediately comes to rescue although the incident didn’t affect Janhvi’s confidence. She even spoke to the photographers. When the paparazzi praised her look, she replied, “Bahut overacting kar rahe hain aap log aajkal, sab sun rahi hoon main (You people are overacting these days, I have heard everything).”
The incident didn’t get unnoticed as trolls were quick to jump into action passing comments. Some questioned why she had to wear such an uncomfortable outfit that needed a fix almost every time she walked. Others took a dig at her style sense especially appearing at a fashion event.
Meanwhile, the ‘Mili’ actress looked all too glamorous in the beautiful high-slit yellow colour gown. To complete her look, she has went for a shimmery makeup while leaving her hair open.
On the work front, up next for Janhvi Kapoor is Nitesh Tiwari’s film ‘Bawaal’ co-starring Varun Dhawan. She also has ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ with Rajkummar Rao. Janhvi was last seen in the OTT release ‘Mili’ and received appreciation for all corners for her natural acting.