A source has revealed to ETimes, “Janhvi Kapoor and Varun Dhawan will be seen together again in the remake of Theri, which is being produced by Atlee.” The source reveals that the film is still in initial stages and for now only the leads have been locked in. It is still not confirmed if Atlee will direct the remake.
Atlee had directed the Tamil original with Vijay, which had released in 2016. The Tamil filmmaker is busy working with Shah Rukh Khan on Jawan right now and the film is believed to be scheduled for a June release, but it could be pushed to later in the year, depending on production requirements.
Coming back to the Theri remake, the film will stick to the original story, where Vijay played a cop who goes into hiding to protect his daughter from his enemies. Janhvi and Varun’s chemistry has convinced the makers of the film that they are the perfect pair to recreate the magic of the Tamil original.