In a recent chat with ETimes, Shammi Kapoor‘s wife Neila Devi recalled memories of all the Kapoor weddings. Ritu Raj Kapoor’s wedding with Rajan Nanda was the biggest one though. Neila Devi revealed, “Ritu Nanda’s wedding was the biggest one. What food! What guests! Do you know who all were serving? Manoj Kumar, Rajendra Kumar and others! They all said ‘hamari beti ki shaadi hai’.”
Later, when Randhir Kapoor got married with Babita, Prithviraj Kapoor was suffering from Cancer yet he was in full zest. “It still gives me goose flesh. My father-in-law was suffering from cancer and he had high fever then- but yet he came out and danced in front of the ghodi,” expressed Neila.
Talking about Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh’s wedding, she said, “Rishi’s wedding was fun. He was very nervous while sitting on the ghodi. Mere husband ne pakkad ke bitha diya tha.” Neila Devi also spoke about her equation with Neetu and Babita. “It’s very nice. Neetu and I haven’t met so much, though. Shammi and I even went to Babita and Randhir’s home a couple of times to sort them out. Chintu (Rishi) and I shopped together abroad when he did a few films with my husband. I am a proud Kapoor bahu. Kapoor khandaan is a lovely family. The youngsters- no matter how rich or popular they are- respect the elders a lot.”
Watch the full interview here:
Neila Devi got married to Shammi in 1969. The ‘Junglee’ actor passed away in August 2011.