The Dangal actor, in an interview with a leading publication, said that initially, he was told that rising and succeeding in the industry will be extremely difficult for him, since he is ‘too approachable’. The actor admitted that this indeed came as a shock to him since he always thought that being a people’s person was his plus point. Not only that, the Pati Patni Aur Woh actor was also told ‘not to talk to everyone’ and maintain some space from people to keep up with the aura of being a star.
Adding further, the actor said that this advice really hurt him and he in fact, got emotional and teared up a little. He went on to say that as a person, he is someone who will talk to anyone and everyone regardless of that person’s standing in life, simply because he finds their stories interesting. He even clarified has no selfish motive in this, he is just designed that way.
Aparshakti will next be seen in Stree 2. He also has projects like Berlin and Kuch Khuli Kitaab in his kitty.