Sudipto Sen on ‘The Kerala Story’ being ‘Banned’ in Briton – Exclusive | Hindi Movie News – Times of India

Even as

The Kerala Story

strides confidently from one level of success to another it gets embroiled in one controversy after another.
The latest hurdle in the film’s victorious march is a call by UK’s theatres to not screen

The Kerala Story.

The film was to open all over the UK on Friday May 12. But at the eleventh hour just hours before the scheduled release, it was announced that the British Board of Film Certification had not given the film an age-rating.
Now in a startling development, British parliamentarians have issued a notice against the arbitrary cancellation of the film.
Confirming this, Sudipto says, “That’s right, the parliament has issued a notice on our behalf. As per the UK constitution there is nothing like a ‘ban’ for cinema. We are confident that our right to freedom of expression would not be taken away from us in any part of the world.”

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