Produced by Vinod Bhanushali’s Bhanushali Studios Limited, Zee Studios and Suparn S Varma, ‘Sirf Ek Bandaa Kaafi Hai’ is inspired by true events. It is a courtroom drama directed by Apoorv Singh Karki which stars Manoj Bajpayee in and as lawyer P.C Solanki. It is the story of an ordinary man – a high court lawyer who single-handedly fought an extraordinary case against the country’s biggest god man and successfully ended up prosecuting him for the rape of a minor under the POCSO act. The power-packed courtroom drama, touted to be one of the biggest legal courtroom dramas, is now streaming exclusively on ZEE5.
From the script to the brilliant performances, the film leaves a strong impact on the viewers.
Talking about the success of the film, Manoj Bajpayee said, “It is amazing that after a couple of years of hard work, relentless rehearsals, shootings and post-production; the contributions of so many people including the crew, Suparn S Varma, Vinod Bhanushali, director Apoorv Singh Karki and actors like Surya Mohan Kulshrestha and Adrija Sinha, the film is being celebrated. Surya Mohan Kulshrestha is being praised, Adrija is being raved about and everyone is being celebrated which gives me such a big reason to celebrate this film.”
Producer Vinod Bhanushali, Bhanushali Studios Limited, “This proves that sirf ek KAHAANI kaafi hai. The kind of views the film received on a weekday, breaking records of the year, shows how in today’s time our audience prefers to watch a good and compelling story be it in any language. This motivates us as producers to bring forward more engaging content that can appeal to our viewers.”