You were one of the actors who came out to talk about the plight of the talented actors with no filmi backgrounds when Sushant Singh Rajput passed away. What were your thoughts and feelings at the time?
I am a very emotional person and I always say what’s on my mind. I don’t hold back most of the time. Sometimes I feel like I should, but then I don’t. So even at that point, I wasn’t thinking much. It wasn’t that I was friends with Sushant. I didn’t know him that well. We had met a couple of times at social events or like at Prithvi Theatre once, I think. We had very brief conversations. So it wasn’t like I was talking as a friend.
There were a lot of people putting out posts about him and claiming to know him. I was just constantly reading those posts. I just felt certain things and I put out a video. But then that video just went crazy. And it’s insane how in two days, I must have got like at least 500 messages on my Instagram just about that one video. A lot of them were positive and happy ones and in support of what I said, but a lot of messages were also abusive.
Has anything changed in the past three years for you or other outsiders in general in the industry?
I don’t know, actually. I think it has. At least things get spoken about and addressed now. Personally, I have never been a big part of this insider-outsider debate or that entire thing about nepotism. I’ve never spoken much about it. I think if an XYZ person is a well established person in the industry and he or she wants their kids to just get the easy way I think it’s a fair deal to do that. If my dad had been in the industry, he would have wanted the same for me. Eventually it’s about your talent and your love and passion for the craft.
Recently, actor Ashish Vidyarthi had appealed to filmmakers in an interview to offer meatier roles to him. You spoke about why you are not doing more films after ‘Udaan‘. What kind of response did you get after that?
I just spoke about how after ‘Udaan’, it wasn’t that I was offered a lot of big films or big stuff from any directors who said I was a good actor. I don’t like to tell people that they should give me more work because I feel they will give me work if they feel I am worthy. I am a very dedicated actor who loves what he does. I love to be in this profession. I feel very grateful that I get to do this. Having said that more power to people who admit not having work and appeal for the same on social media. I have a lot of respect for those people. I think it’s such a beautiful thing, because you need a lot of courage to be able to be okay to put it out on social media. I think it is great. I’ve been very blessed that I have always found work. The web scene happened. So that gave me a lot of financial stability.