Veteran Bollywood actor Ashish Vidyarthi grabbed a lot of eyeballs after he broke the news of his second marriage. The 60-year-old actor exchanged vows with Rupali Barua, a 50-year-old Assam-based fashion entrepreneur. Opting for a low-profile wedding last month, the couple is currently enjoying a vacation together, and Ashish shared some delightful moments from their trip. The actor, known for his remarkable performances in popular films like Major Sahab and Awarapan, among others, appeared genuinely happy alongside his wife in the picture, where the couple can be seen smiling while enjoying a beautiful ride.
“Thank you dear Dosst, for your love and wishes.. Aishukran Bandhu… Alshukran Zindagi. Thank you Tintin for this beautiful capture,” the caption read.
Ashish Vidyarthi’s fans were left in awe after seeing the lovely post of the couple.
“All the best. Made for each other,” commented a fan.
Another wrote, “Beautiful capture, happy couple, beautiful smiles…”
“Happy pic. God bless and all the happiness to both of you,” a third user said.
Ashish Vidyarthi was previously married to Rajoshi Vidyarthi.
About Ashish and Rupali
Talking about his marriage with Rupali, the actor shared a video on Instagram, where he said, “I met Rupali Barua. We started chatting, then met a year back. We felt something interesting about each other and thought that we could be walking together as husband and wife. Therefore, Rupali and I got married. She is 50 and I am 57, not 60, but age doesn’t matter my friend. Each one of us can be happy. Just wanted to let you know, let’s keep moving with respect, how people are living their lives.”
Ashish Vidyarthi’s filmography
Ashish Vidyarthi has worked in over 300 films in 11 languages. He has acted in Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, English, Odia, Marathi and Bengali films. Some of his well-known movies are Major Sahab, 1942: A Love Story, Awarapan, Begum Jaan, and Drohkaal among others.
He was last seen in the Netflix web series Trial By Fire, which was based on the 1997 Uphaar Cinema fire tragedy.