Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor-starrer Bawaal has released on Amazon Prime on July 21. Ever since its release, the film has been making huge waves on the internet. The gripping content and unique storyline of Bawaal are grabbing everyone’s attention. Although the film is facing flak from some quarters for showing a World War II connection, many are in awe of the performances by both lead actors. Varun and Janhvi are being showered with a lot of applause for their portrayal of a married couple navigating the hurdles in a relationship. Witnessing the positive response, Varun Dhawan shared an adorable note to thank his fans.
Varun Dhawan pens emotional post to thank his fans
Varun Dhawan plays the character of Ajay Dixit aka Ajju in Bawaal. The actor, who is garnering immense praise from cine-goers, penned a heartfelt note on Instagram on Saturday. To express gratitude to the audience, Varun wrote, “Ajju bhaiya ne Mahual bana diya. Thank u for giving bawaal a place In Your heart. I have never received so many calls for any film of mine. The impact this film is having on people is incredible. It’s a conversation starter about the fake image industry and how today we are all in someway salves to this ideology. Thank u for watching and enjoying Ajju and his family. You are #bawaal.”
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Fans respond to Varun Dhawan’s post
Soon after Varun Dhawan shared the post, his fans immediately responded with positive comments.
“You’re an amazing actor Varun, I loved the movie,” said on user.
Another user reacted to Varun’s post, saying, “Ajju bhaiya ne Aag Laga Diya (fire emoji) bawaal machaa diya !”
One user also demanded the theatrical release of Bawaal and commented, “Keep going veee (smiley and heart emojis) now we want a theatre release of every movie sir (heart emojis).”
Celebs pouring positive comments on Bawaal
Many celebrities have been saying rave things about Varun Dhawan and Janhvi Kapoor’s performance in the movie. While Arjun called the film unique yet entertaining with heart, soul, and a whole lot of entertainment, Karan Johar said, “Possibly the most unusual and original love story you have seen in the mainstream.”
Directed by Nitesh Tiwari, Bawaal is a romantic drama that unravels the life of Ajay Dixit and Nisha.