Reports have been rife that Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are expecting their second child. The couple who tied the knot in 2017, welcomed their first child in 2021. Their daughter Vamika has continued to be a top priority for the couple and they’ve also remained very protective about her. While this is one happy family, a latest report suggested that Anushka and Virat are expecting their second child.
As per Hindustan Times, the couple will formally make an announcement but at a later stage, like they did last time. The report further stated that the couple has requested the paprazzi to not publish their pictures with a promise that they will make an announcement soon.
Amidst all these rumours, Virat was absent today as the Indian team arrived at Trivandrum Domestic Airport for ODI warm-up match against Netherlands. Kohli reportedly took a detour from Guwahati, and took permission from the team management to come to Mumbai due to a personal emergency. According to Cricbuzz, a source from the Board Of Control For Cricket (BCCI) stated that Kohli will join the team again on Monday.
Anushka was spotted in the city today but she refused the paparazzi to click her pictures. The actress was spotted in her car wearing a loose white shirt and she was seen gesturing the paparazzi to not click her pictures in a video floating online.
On work front, Anushka has completed shooting for ‘Chakda Xpress’ and hasn’t made any new announcement yet. Meanwhile Virat will be gearing up for the World Cup 2023 set to begin from October 5 onwards.
As per Hindustan Times, the couple will formally make an announcement but at a later stage, like they did last time. The report further stated that the couple has requested the paprazzi to not publish their pictures with a promise that they will make an announcement soon.
Amidst all these rumours, Virat was absent today as the Indian team arrived at Trivandrum Domestic Airport for ODI warm-up match against Netherlands. Kohli reportedly took a detour from Guwahati, and took permission from the team management to come to Mumbai due to a personal emergency. According to Cricbuzz, a source from the Board Of Control For Cricket (BCCI) stated that Kohli will join the team again on Monday.
Anushka was spotted in the city today but she refused the paparazzi to click her pictures. The actress was spotted in her car wearing a loose white shirt and she was seen gesturing the paparazzi to not click her pictures in a video floating online.
On work front, Anushka has completed shooting for ‘Chakda Xpress’ and hasn’t made any new announcement yet. Meanwhile Virat will be gearing up for the World Cup 2023 set to begin from October 5 onwards.