Reacting to the viral video, a fan commented, “Mothers of all crossovers”, while another user wrote, “Salman Khan x Cristiano Ronaldo Unexpected crossover.” Hailing the Tiger 3actor, another user commented, “Jalwa hai bhaijaan ka”.Another post read, “Two GOATS in one frame .. Salman Khan & Cristiano Ronaldo.” Hailing the union, a user wrote, “This post is restricted to Salman Khan & Cristiano Ronaldo fans. Show me the most unexpected crossover of this year!”
Salman Khan will soon take over the big screen with his action packed avatar in Tiger 3. This film stars Katrina Kaif as the leading lady while Emraan Hashmi essays the baddie.. Speaking about the much-awaited saga, director Maneesh Sharma told ANI, “We built the teaser and the trailer of Tiger 3 to show how Tiger’s story moves forward but you haven’t even seen 1 percent of what we have in store – we’re saving the best for the big screen! Around 50-60 percent of the film are action sequences of great scale and we wanted to just give you a small peek into what you can expect. We want that surprise and the euphoria you feel when you’re watching something you didn’t even expect.” Tiger 3 will hit the screens on November 12, coinciding with the festive time of during Diwali