The clock is finally ticking down to the highly-anticipated release of ‘Dunki,’ the latest offering from acclaimed director Rajkumar Hirani. The film starring none other than the King of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, releases on the big screen today, December 21. This cinematic spectacle is set to premiere nationwide across a staggering 4000 screens. Following the success of two action-packed hits, ‘Pathaan‘ and ‘Jawan,’ Shah Rukh is ready to take audiences on a different journey, exploring the theme of friendship and aspirations, alongside talented co-stars like Taapsee Pannu, Vicky Kaushal, and Boman Irani.
After getting the audience’s adrenaline pumping with some high-octane action scenes in his prior releases, SRK will touch upon matters of the heart with a moving story of four friends embarking on a life-altering quest to reach foreign shores, striving to turn their dreams into reality. Drawing inspiration from real-life experiences, ‘Dunki’ promises to be a poignant saga, interweaving both humour and heartbreak in this human story.
In a departure from the traditional approach, the makers of the film chose to keep the audience on their toes guessing about the film’s plot while forgoing a conventional trailer launch. Instead, they unveiled a series of clips titled ‘Dunki: Drop,’ offering glimpses into the Hirani directorial that set the tone for the adventure that’s waiting to unfold.
Ahead of its release, the film received a ‘U/A’ certificate, making it accessible to a wide audience. Biled to be a film for the entire family, ‘Dunki’ promises an immersive and engaging cinematic experience with a runtime of 161 minutes.
As the excitement builds, so do the box office collections that have indicated that the film will have a good opening. According to early box office predictions, the film’s advance booking for day 1 has crossed the Rs 11 crore mark from an estimated 4 Lakh tickets sold over 13,393 shows.
Although these numbers are far less than records created by SRK’s two other 2023 release, they are still good as the film will be sharing its box office business with two other new releases. ‘Dunki’ is set to clash with Prabhas’ actioner ‘Salaar’ which will release on December 22, in time for the extended Christmas weekend.
Moreover, it’s international box office collections may also be affected as it goes head-to-head with the new Hollywood superhero film ‘Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom’ starring Jason Momoa in the lead.
Despite the slow pre-sales, trade experts are confident that the Bollywood film will end the year with a bang, considering that it will enjoy an extended Christmas holiday weekend and also has potential to grow over the New Year’s weekend.
This film is also crucial for Khan, as he stands on the brink of achieving a hat trick at the box office. With ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Jawan’ already shooting past the Rs 1000 crore mark at the box office, all eyes are now on ‘Dunki’ to see if it could potentially be the third consecutive success for the superstar. Notably, SRK currently holds the title as the only actor in the Indian film industry with double entries on the list of Rs 1000 crore films. Interestingly, he managed to achieve this feat in a single year.
After getting the audience’s adrenaline pumping with some high-octane action scenes in his prior releases, SRK will touch upon matters of the heart with a moving story of four friends embarking on a life-altering quest to reach foreign shores, striving to turn their dreams into reality. Drawing inspiration from real-life experiences, ‘Dunki’ promises to be a poignant saga, interweaving both humour and heartbreak in this human story.
In a departure from the traditional approach, the makers of the film chose to keep the audience on their toes guessing about the film’s plot while forgoing a conventional trailer launch. Instead, they unveiled a series of clips titled ‘Dunki: Drop,’ offering glimpses into the Hirani directorial that set the tone for the adventure that’s waiting to unfold.
Ahead of its release, the film received a ‘U/A’ certificate, making it accessible to a wide audience. Biled to be a film for the entire family, ‘Dunki’ promises an immersive and engaging cinematic experience with a runtime of 161 minutes.
As the excitement builds, so do the box office collections that have indicated that the film will have a good opening. According to early box office predictions, the film’s advance booking for day 1 has crossed the Rs 11 crore mark from an estimated 4 Lakh tickets sold over 13,393 shows.
Although these numbers are far less than records created by SRK’s two other 2023 release, they are still good as the film will be sharing its box office business with two other new releases. ‘Dunki’ is set to clash with Prabhas’ actioner ‘Salaar’ which will release on December 22, in time for the extended Christmas weekend.
Moreover, it’s international box office collections may also be affected as it goes head-to-head with the new Hollywood superhero film ‘Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom’ starring Jason Momoa in the lead.
Despite the slow pre-sales, trade experts are confident that the Bollywood film will end the year with a bang, considering that it will enjoy an extended Christmas holiday weekend and also has potential to grow over the New Year’s weekend.
This film is also crucial for Khan, as he stands on the brink of achieving a hat trick at the box office. With ‘Pathaan’ and ‘Jawan’ already shooting past the Rs 1000 crore mark at the box office, all eyes are now on ‘Dunki’ to see if it could potentially be the third consecutive success for the superstar. Notably, SRK currently holds the title as the only actor in the Indian film industry with double entries on the list of Rs 1000 crore films. Interestingly, he managed to achieve this feat in a single year.