In a viral video, Aamir Khan’s nephew Imran Khan also stole the spotlight with his energetic dance moves to the hit number ‘Pappu Can’t Dance’ from his debut film Jaane Tu…
Ya Jaane Na.
The wedding festivities, which began with an intimate ceremony in Mumbai, culminated in a grand celebration in Udaipur. During the ring exchange ceremony, emotional moments unfolded as Aamir Khan, witnessing his daughter’s special day, was seen wiping away tears with ex-wife Reena Dutta by his side. The couple’s joyous celebration extended into the early morning hours, with DJ Sahil sharing a video on Instagram, captioned “We partied till 6 in the morning.”
The Udaipur ceremony marked another milestone in Ira and Nupur’s wedding journey, following their vows and registration in Mumbai. The event was filled with laughter, dance, and heartfelt moments, creating memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.
Aamir Khan’s enthusiastic dance performance added an extra layer of joy to the festivities, making it a night to remember.