The Hong sisters, renowned creators of heartwarming romantic comedies, unveil their latest project, ‘Can This Love Be Translated?’ Set to grace our screens are the talented duo of Go Youn Jung and Kim Seon Ho, who have been confirmed to lead the cast in this series. In a refreshing departure from their previous roles, these two will portray characters who are polar opposites yet irresistibly drawn to each other.
Scheduled to begin filming in June 2024, ‘Can This Love Be Translated?’ is slated to wrap up production by February 2025. The casting process began as early as 2023, with Kim Seon Ho securing the male lead role of Joo Ho Jin, a charismatic language interpreter whose encounter with Cha Moo Hee, portrayed by the radiant Go Youn Jung, sets the stage for a delightful romance unlike any other.
While Han So Hee was initially considered for the female lead, Go Youn Jung ultimately clinched the role. Similarly, Son Suk Ku was in consideration for the lead role, but the role landed in the capable hands of Kim Seon Ho. This marks the first time that Go Young Jung and Kim Seon Ho will be portraying an onscreen couple.
Kim Seon Ho’s rise to stardom, fueled by his performances in hit series like ‘Hometown Cha Cha Cha’ and the acclaimed film ‘The Childe’. Similarly, Go Youn Jung’s impressive portfolio includes standout performances in hit K-dramas like ‘Alchemy of Souls’, ‘Death’s Game’ and ‘Moving’.
Scheduled to begin filming in June 2024, ‘Can This Love Be Translated?’ is slated to wrap up production by February 2025. The casting process began as early as 2023, with Kim Seon Ho securing the male lead role of Joo Ho Jin, a charismatic language interpreter whose encounter with Cha Moo Hee, portrayed by the radiant Go Youn Jung, sets the stage for a delightful romance unlike any other.
While Han So Hee was initially considered for the female lead, Go Youn Jung ultimately clinched the role. Similarly, Son Suk Ku was in consideration for the lead role, but the role landed in the capable hands of Kim Seon Ho. This marks the first time that Go Young Jung and Kim Seon Ho will be portraying an onscreen couple.
Kim Seon Ho’s rise to stardom, fueled by his performances in hit series like ‘Hometown Cha Cha Cha’ and the acclaimed film ‘The Childe’. Similarly, Go Youn Jung’s impressive portfolio includes standout performances in hit K-dramas like ‘Alchemy of Souls’, ‘Death’s Game’ and ‘Moving’.