Mumbai: Makers of the upcoming suspense thriller `Gaslight` unveiled the first poster of the film on Monday. Taking to Instagram, actor Vikrant Massey shared the poster which he captioned, “One murder, many suspects, zero trust. #Gaslight trailer Out Tomorrow Gaslight streaming on 31st March on @disneyplushotstar #GaslightOnHotstar.”
Directed by Pavan Kirpalani, `Gaslight` stars Sara Ali Khan, Vikrant Massey and Chitrangda Singh in the lead roles. The film will stream exclusively on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar from March 31. In the first poster, Vikrant can be seen holding a lantern and standing alongside Chitrangada and Sara.
See the poster here
The makers will be unveiling the official trailer of the film on March 14, 2023. Talking about the film, Sara earlier said, “Gaslight has been a learning curve for me, the character and story is very distinctive from the ones I have played before. The film has given me an opportunity to expand my horizons in acting and introduce different shades of Sara to my fans. It is an interesting whodunit and will keep the audience at the edge of their seats till the end. It has been an exciting journey during the shoot. Gaslight also marks my second association with Disney+ Hotstar and I am looking forward to audience reactions once they watch it.”
Director, Pavan Kripalani, said, “Gaslight is a high-octane suspense thriller, the film will urge you to dig deep and hop onto a journey that brings new twists and turns as the story unfolds. With actors like Sara Ali Khan, Vikrant Massey and Chitrangda Singh as my lead cast and associating with Disney+ Hotstar, I couldn’t be more excited to share this one with the audiences.”
Apart from this Sara will also be seen in Laxman Utekar`s upcoming untitled rom-com film opposite Vicky Kaushal and in Homi Adajania`s next `Murder Mubarak`.