Sussanne Khan often shares happy moments and snippets from her daily life. Having said that, the actress recently took a trip down memory lane to share a happy photo partying with her ex-husband Hrithik Roshan and other industry friends. Have a look :
The photo is reportedly from 2018 when Karan Johar co-hosted a bash with ex-lawyer, and Shah Rukh Khan-Gauri’s best friend Kaajal Anand. Sussanne and Hrithik were a few among the close friends who attended the celebration.
Susanne shared the throwback photo to wish Kaajal for her birthday. Sonali Bendre, Gayatri Oberoi were also seen in the frame. “Happy birthday @putlu flashbacks to A bunch of friends in a Covid-19 free world..2018 ”
Meanwhile, on a personal note, Susanne is rumored to be dating Arslan Goni. She has recently tested positive for COVID-19 and is in complete isolation.