Ajay Devgn took to Twitter to wish his director. The duo has collaborated for the ‘Golmaal’ and ‘Singham’ series. Sharing a picture with Rohit, the actor wrote, “Our collaborations have always left me thrilled, ROFL-ing and pumped for more! This marks another year of your brilliance, hard work and creativity. Happy birthday, my friend.” The duo last collaborated for ‘Sooryavanshi’, where Ajay was seen in a cameo role.
Our collaborations have always left me thrilled, ROFL-ing and pumped for more! This marks another year of your br… https://t.co/TS6vImE7et
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) 1647231175000
Katrina Kaif, who featured in ‘Sooryavanshi’ with Akshay Kumar, took to her Instagram story and shared a sweet birthday wish. She wrote, “Happiest birthday @itsrohitshetty May you have all the love and happiness you bring to others.”
Vicky Kaushal also shared a picture of Rohit and wrote, “Happy Birthday @itsrohitshetty sir. Have a blockbuster one.”
Celebs like Sidharth Malhotra, Jacqueline Fernandez, Rakul Preet Singh amongst others were also seen posting adorable birthday wishes on social media. Have a look:
On the work front, Rohit is currently busy with post-production work for ‘Cirkus’ starring Ranveer Singh, Jacqueline, Varun Sharma and Pooja Hegde.