R. Kelly sex trafficking

Singer R Kelly gets 30 years in jail on sex trafficking, racketeering charges | People News

June 30, 2022

Washington: ‘R&B’ star R. Kelly was sentenced to a 30-year jail on Wednesday for leveraging his fame to repeatedly sexually assault young followers, some of whom were just childrens. According to Variety, Robert Sylvester Kelly, a 55-year-old singer, was found guilty of racketeering and eight charges of breaking the Mann Act, which forbids moving persons […]

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R&B superstar R. Kelly convicted in sex trafficking trial; faces up to 20 years in prison – Times of India

September 28, 2021

R Kelly, the R&B superstar known for his anthem “I Believe I Can Fly,” was convicted Monday in a sex trafficking trial after decades of avoiding criminal responsibility for numerous allegations of misconduct with young women and children. A jury of seven men and five women found Kelly, 54, guilty of all nine counts, including […]

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