Winter care

Winter Baby Care: 5 Ways To Keep Your Newborn Cozy And Safe | Parenting News

January 13, 2024

From proper layering to maintaining optimal indoor temperatures, R for rabbit, a homegrown baby product brand shares with IANSlife few practical tips ensuring the well-being of newborns amidst chilled winter. Winter-Appropriate clothes The baby won’t stay warm or safe with more layers of clothing, but they will with the appropriate winter wardrobe. The ideal […]

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Winter Skincare Guide: 5 Essential Tips For Radiant And Hydrated Skin | Beauty/Fashion News

December 10, 2023

  As winter blankets the world in a frosty embrace, our skin often bears the brunt of the season’s chill. The drop in temperature, coupled with dry air, can leave our skin feeling rough and parched. Fear not, for a radiant winter complexion is within reach! The crisp air and lower humidity can leave […]

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