Neena Gupta: I was very impressed by the little things Vivian Richards had as a human being – Times of India

Not that she had anything to hide even in her interviews, but the candour with which Neena Gupta has written about her life in her autobiography, ‘Sach Kahun Toh’ makes it a delightful read. The actress who penned the book during the lockdown, spoke about it during a special interaction with Vinita Dawra Nangia, Times LitFest Director and Editor, ETimes.

After an engaging chat on career, the entertainment industry, and media, the conversation veered towards her personal life. When asked to reveal what was it with Vivian that appealed to her such that she was willing to have a baby with him, she pointed out that she hadn’t planned on the pregnancy. “The main thing which got me attracted to him was his down-to-earth humanness, despite being an international cricketer, a big name, and so famous. That he was a normal person, is what attracted me to him… small things. I was very impressed by the little things that he had as a human being,” she shared.

The actress then went on to add how she values small things much more than the bigger things. “I think that’s what matters; house, money, will come and go. It feels nice if you have good money and a big house but if there are little things that trouble you while you live in the big house then that house is of no use,” philosophised Neena.

While Neena has never shied away from talking about her relationship with cricketer Vivian Richards, with whom she had a baby out of wedlock, the actress hasn’t dwelled much on the topic in her book. “I didn’t plan to not write certain things in certain chapters; I wrote whatever came to me in the flow. Only later did I realise how I had forgotten certain things,” she clarified while maintaining that she had no obligations to anyone. “I don’t want to create a literary piece or write in a very refined language; I wrote in colloquial English like I am talking to you. My agenda is not to impress anybody with my book or pose as a writer. I wrote my autobiography the way I am; whatever is not there is not because I didn’t feel like writing it,” she concluded.

To watch the full session with Neena Gupta talking about life, love, and regrets in her book ‘Sach Kahun Toh’, visit at 5 pm today.


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