Vaani Kapoor who plays the leading lady in the film recently opened up on working with Ranbir Kapoor, and why she admires him. In an interview with a news portal, she shared that she was impressed by Ranbir’s work ethic. She added that Ranbir is such a ‘pleasure’ to work with.
Heaping praises for him, Vaani shared that Ranbir is a selfless actor who wants to creatively collaborate so that each scene turns out to be the best, while they exchange notes with each other.
When asked about the fresh pairing, Vaani revealed that they’ve been appreciated for their great chemistry. She’s hopeful that audiences too feel the same when they see them on-screen together. The actress also shared that, the entire cast has worked really hard to bring something new to the table and as actors, they only ‘want to entertain everyone to the fullest with Shamshera’.
Shamshera will hit theatres on 22 July.