Director Prashanth Neel and Hombale Films’ most passionate endeavor ‘K.G.F: Chapter 2’ hits the big screen today after a long, long wait. Rocking Star Yash returns as Rocky Bhai in the mega pan-India vehicle that also stars Sanjay Dutt who makes his bonafide Kannada debut as the chief antagonist, Adheera. The power duo will be joined by Raveena Tandon, Prakash Raj, Srinidhi Shetty, Rao Ramesh, Easwari Rao, and many others who are sure to make for the most exciting ensembles in movie history. With records waiting to be broken and new benchmarks in store, ‘K.G.F: Chapter 2’ is one rollicking ride awaiting the most eager audience.Read Less
THE TIMES OF INDIA | Apr 14, 2022, 08:43:17 IST