We often neglect our mental health: Payal Ghosh – Times of India

The conversation around mental health has caught momentum in the film and sporting world in the past few years. Celebs are now openly speaking about the need to focus on mental health.
Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi Actress Payal Ghosh bared her soul recently when she revealed her personal battles about the issue. Payal spoke about suffering from depression and how she rose from it.

Talking about a phase in her life that she would rather forget, she says ” Mental health is something that we often neglect and depression creeps on you in a very hidden way. I was fine until I was suddenly in a very critical condition mentally and tried to jump from my building had it not been for my brother who saved my life. It’s a very slippery slope and can quickly become dangerous. I feel mental health should be given more weightage than it gets as our careers and busy schedules make us drift away from it.

I’m thankful that I was lucky enough to be pulled out of the dark hole in time and now I’m on my way to putting that part of my life behind me. My family and close people are the ones who helped me come out of it and I will never be able to thank them enough for it.”


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